We love dogs. We love costumes. We love Halloween. Put them all together? Dog Costume Halloween Party! We rate the goodest boys in their goodest costumes.

Dogs are (wo)man’s best friend.

They fully trust us to take care of them. Sometimes, we humans like to exploit our dogs a bit. As a dog mom, I will seize any opportunity to put clothes on my dog. Whether it’s an ugly Christmas sweater or jersey supporting our favorite team, I love to see my pup dressed up. But the best time for dog dress up has got to be Halloween. I crowdsourced pictures of my friends’ dogs and am so excited for you to see them. Below, I rank their dog costumes out of 10.

First up, the Delivery Boiz.

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This is Artie, the pizza delivery guy. Very pleased you ordered the pupperoni pizza, it’s his favorite. 13/10 would order again.

This is Ty, your USPS delivery guy. He’s so happy you are supporting USPS by purchasing stamps. Will make sure your mail and packages are delivered on time. 14/10 will not bark at your truck pulling up to the mailbox.

Next up, dogs as other animals.

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This is Charky, the sharky. Watch out, his underbite chompers might get in the way when he’s giving you kisses. Don’t worry, he’s a friendly shark. 12/10 would swim with him.

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This is Noodle, the dinosaur. Can be found at Jurassic Bark. Uses extra long arms to help collect treatos, not for terrorizing. A rare and cuddly creature. 12/10 would let her chase me through the forest. Follow Noodle on Instagram at @goodgrlnunu!

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Se llama Piko. She is trying very hard to blend in with her friends in Macchu Picchu. Wants to be the top perro of Peru. Will you help her? 13/10 would give lots of besos y abrazos. 

Next, working dogs.

This is Chestnut, the lumberjack. She’s happy it’s fall so she can wear her flannels and beanies. Wants to get a head start on getting wood ready for the winter. Don’t mind her beard, it’s part of her winter coat. 13/10 would cuddle in front of a roaring fire.

This is Poppy, the police dog. Wants you to know she’s one of the good K-9 doggos. Knows that we need police reform and will put her best paw forward to help. 13/10 would love to have you on our police force, Poppy.

Next, the sporty dogs.

This is Kujo, the Laker. So happy to be part of the World Championship team this year. One day wishes to become the next Kareem Abdul-Jabbark. 24/8 will help you train for next season. Follow Kujo on Instagram at @killerkuj!

This is Cricket, the Dodger. Wears this jersey to give the Dogdgers extra luck. Hoping to see the boys in blue win the Woof Series this year. Would make a good ball girl in the outfield during practice. 13/10 want to go to Bark in the Park next season.

Lastly, the miscellaneous costumes!

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This is Ranger, the Red Power Ranger. Hopes you can recognize what his homemade costume was. Wasn’t sure if it was Morphin’ Time. 13/10 ready to Go Go Power Rangers. (RIP Ranger)

This is Pinto, the cactus. Promises she doesn’t have a prickly disposition. Hopes her spines won’t stop you from giving her cuddles. 12/10 my life would succ without you, Pinto.

Ranger and Ty are back as contestants on The Bark-chelorette. Want to prove to you they’re here for the right reasons and are looking for love. Stepped out of the limo feeling extra fresh. 14/10 would accept your rose.

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This is Stuart and Phoebe as Donald Stump and the “bad hombre.” Want to remind you to VOTE because this election year is so important to creating policies that bring equality and justice to our country. Check if you’re registered to vote at www.vote.org. 15/10 will GET OUT THE VOTE!

Piko would like to remind you that we are still in a pandemic, and it’s important to wear your mask and maintain your physical distance. We can get through this!

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